Monday, July 26, 2010

The "Forgotten" God

This book is one I definitely recommend.

"The Forgotten God touches" on the neglect of the power and work of the Holy Spirit in the modern church era from a different point of view.

I was a little hesitant when I first saw this book because right away I tend to think: "Book about the Holy Spirit usually means a hype jambamamba charismatic teaching", but this book is the exact oposite, it studies the Holy Spirit from the perspective of the empowerment that God gives to His people through the Holy Spirit to be used in ministry and in reaching out to the world.

It does touch on the charismatic subject, but more in the aspect of the abuse of the Holy Spirit and the misconception of Him. I like how it has reminded how that if I ever want to pursue any type or shape of ministry, I must be empowered by the Holy Spirit,

This last statement can be very easily be taken out of context, as many people abuse of the Holy Spirit and fake the power of the Holy Spirit, they use terms such as: baptism of fire, baptism of the Holy Spirit in very light terms and as something that ONLY the people of their church or denomination can have, confusing those who are or were once truly seeking God in heart and soul and misleading many. The book touches on this big time, making a clear difference about what it means to be truly guided by the Spirit and those guided by man's ways.

I have only read about half of this book and so far I am liking and learning about everything. Best part: It is not a "this is my opinion about the Holy Spirit" type-book, but the author makes strong emphasis to back up everything he writes about in light of the Scripture, not taking it out of context.

Check it out, the author also has a website for the book, just discovered it right now, so I will check the website a little more later:

Forgotten God


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